• (ESPAÑOL) Mind and Its World II examines the theme of karma. It begins the study of causes and conditions as presented in Collected Topics, the twelve nidanas, or chain of interdependent origination, and the distinction between primary minds and mental factors. It includes a detailed presentation of the mental factors from the Classifications of Mind. Selected readings, analytical meditations, study questions, and review summaries are included in the sourcebook. Also available as an eBook for Apple or Android devices.
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    El género textual llamado ‘Temas selectos’ (Tib. Dudra) y usado en la educación formal budista tibetana puede ser descrito como propedéutico para los estudios más avanzados en Pramana (ontología y epistemología), Abidharma, Prajnaparamita y Madyamaka, los cuales representan el núcleo del contenido tradicional de los estudios en las universidades monásticas tibetanas.
    Presentación de las Clasificaciones de la Mente: La Esencia del Océano de los Textos Sobre el Razonamiento por Khenchen Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. Este libro es un resumen conciso de la ‘ciencia de la mente’ budista que distingue los varios tipos de cognición válida directa e inferencial de la cognición no válida y enumera los diferentes eventos mentales.
  • 电子书. Digital content. 根本偈作者 & 釋論者:阿闍梨喇嘛滇巴嘉誠 Root verses and Commentary by Āchārya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen
  • Digital content. 根本偈作者 & 释论者:阿阇梨喇嘛滇巴嘉诚 Root verses and Commentary by Āchārya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen
  • 新版《心與心的世界1》和《心與心的世界2》對應英文版的兩本同名手冊,兩本加起來是對堪布仁波切所著的原典《心的科學:邏輯海典心髓》的完整的釋論。新版替代2021中文版的《心的科學:邏輯海典心髓釋論》。新版按照英文版編排,並增加了阿闍黎謝拉布嘉誠的釋論,和每課後的分析式禪修和聞思題。
  • (ESPAÑOL) Mind and Its World I begins a detailed analysis of the subjective side of experience. It examines mind and how it perceives its world in valid and invalid ways based on the Classifications of Mind, which provides divisions and definitions of the types of mind identified in the epistemological tradition of Dignaga and Dharmakirti. The key point is the discernment of the aspects of mind that validly perceive things the way they are, which are distinguished from those aspects of mind that are mistaken and tainted by fundamental delusion, and thus keep one bound in samsara. It also introduces the two Hinayana philosophical systems, the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika schools, covering the two truths and the process of perception. Selected readings, analytical meditations, study questions, review summaries are included in the sourcebook. Also available as an eBook for Apple or Android devices.
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