• NOTE: For shipping within the US only. One hundred and thirteen definition flashcards drawn from the Classifications of Mind root text. English, Tibetan, and Sanskrit translations included.
  • NOTE: For shipping within the US only. Ninety six definition flashcards drawn from the Collected Topics root text. English, Tibetan, and Sanskrit translations included.
  • Translator: Ari Goldfield

    A root text by Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. It presents the divisions and definitions logic, and what constitutes valid and invalid reasoning as presented in the tradition of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti.
  • Available in print and as an eBook for Apple and Google.

    Translator: Dr. Mitra Karl Brunnhölzl

    A root text compiled by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen. It presents the divisions and definitions of objects as presented in the abhidharma tradition of Vasubandhu.  
  • Also available as an eBook for Apple and Google.

    Translator: Dr. Mitra Karl Brunnhölzl

    A root text written by Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. It presents the divisions and definitions of the types of mind identified in the epistemological tradition of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti.  
  • Commentary by Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen. Root Text Translation by Ari Goldfield. Oral Translation by Elizabeth M. Callahan. This transcript was produced from a series of talks given by Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen at Nitartha Institute, Gampo Abbey, Nova Scotia, Canada, in June and July 1997.
  • Also available as an eBook for Apple and Google. Mind and Its World II examines the theme of karma. It begins the study of causes and conditions as presented in Collected Topics, the twelve nidanas, or chain of interdependent origination, and the distinction between primary minds and mental factors. It includes a detailed presentation of the mental factors from the Classifications of Mind. Selected readings, analytical meditations, study questions, and review summaries are included in the sourcebook.  
  • This version is for Self-Paced Online Course (SPOC) only. The UPDATED version for non Self-Paced Online Course will be available in the Fall 2023.

    Mind and Its World III first concludes the investigation into causes and results as presented in Collected Topics. It then turns to the analysis of the ways in which mind cognizes phenomena, particularly the ways in which conceptuality functions, by investigating the modes of engagement from Classifications of Mind and the methods that lead to cognition from Collected Topics. Selected readings, analytical meditations, study questions, and review summaries are included in the sourcebook. Also available as an eBook for Apple or Android devices.
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