• Translator: Dr. Mitra Karl Brunnhölzl

    A root text compiled by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen. It presents the divisions and definitions of objects as presented in the abhidharma tradition of Vasubandhu.   Available in print and as an eBook for Apple or Android devices.
  • Translator: Dr. Mitra Karl Brunnhölzl

    A root text written by Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. It presents the divisions and definitions of the types of mind identified in the epistemological tradition of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti. Also available as an eBook for Apple or Android devices.
  • Mind and Its World I begins a detailed analysis of the subjective side of experience. It examines mind and how it perceives its world in valid and invalid ways based on the Classifications of Mind, which provides divisions and definitions of the types of mind identified in the epistemological tradition of Dignaga and Dharmakirti. The key point is the discernment of the aspects of mind that validly perceive things the way they are, which are distinguished from those aspects of mind that are mistaken and tainted by fundamental delusion, and thus keep one bound in samsara. It also introduces the two Hinayana philosophical systems, the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika schools, covering the two truths and the process of perception. Selected readings, analytical meditations, study questions, review summaries are included in the sourcebook. Also available as an eBook for Apple or Android devices.
  • Author: Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen Translators: Kimberly Colwell and Marcus Perman

    Root text written by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen. It presents the divisions and definitions of the Mind Only philosophical system.
    • Also available as an eBook for Apple or Android devices.

    Author: Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen

    A presentation of the philosophical tenets of the Madhyamaka tradition of the Mahayana. Based on sections of Jamgön Kongtrul’s Lodrö Thaye’s Treasury of Knowledge, this text focuses on the Madhyamaka presentation of the two truths, the views of the subschools of the tradition (Prasangika and Svatantrika), and the fundamental understanding of emptiness. Includes root text and commentary by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye, translated by Karl Brunnhölzl.    
  • This sourcebook offers a systematic presentation of the Mind Only (Cittamātra) tenet system, one of the principal Mahāyāna philosophical schools. The Mind Only school emphasizes the doctrine that the subjective and objective poles of perception are not different in substance, but mental in nature. Specific topics include discussions on perception, the fundamental notion of “mind only,” the three natures, self-awareness, and the all-base consciousness. Also included is a brief discussion of the paths and the fruition. Selected readings, analytical meditations, study questions, and review charts are included in the sourcebook. Includes root text written by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen.
  • Mind and Its World II examines the theme of karma. It begins the study of causes and conditions as presented in Collected Topics, the twelve nidanas, or chain of interdependent origination, and the distinction between primary minds and mental factors. It includes a detailed presentation of the mental factors from the Classifications of Mind. Selected readings, analytical meditations, study questions, and review summaries are included in the sourcebook. Also available as an eBook for Apple or Android devices.
    • Also available as an eBook for Android  and Apple devices.

    Author: Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé Translator: Karl Brunnhölzl

    A root text based on sections of Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye’s Treasury of Knowledge. It systematically presents the Madhyamaka view of the two truths, the assertions of the subschools of the tradition, and formulates the emptiness reasonings.  
  • This version is for Self-Paced Online Course (SPOC) only. The UPDATED version for non Self-Paced Online Course will be available in the Fall 2023.

    Mind and Its World III first concludes the investigation into causes and results as presented in Collected Topics. It then turns to the analysis of the ways in which mind cognizes phenomena, particularly the ways in which conceptuality functions, by investigating the modes of engagement from Classifications of Mind and the methods that lead to cognition from Collected Topics. Selected readings, analytical meditations, study questions, and review summaries are included in the sourcebook. Also available as an eBook for Apple or Android devices.
  • NOTE: For shipping within the US only. One hundred and thirteen definition flashcards drawn from the Classifications of Mind root text. English, Tibetan, and Sanskrit translations included.
  • NOTE: For shipping within the US only. Ninety six definition flashcards drawn from the Collected Topics root text. English, Tibetan, and Sanskrit translations included.
    • Available as an eBook for Apple and Android devices.
    • The hardcopy book is shipped from the US. International customers may wish to explore local booksellers, Shambala Publications, or Amazon to save on shipping cost.

    Translator: Dr. Mitra Karl Brunnhölzl

    An extraordinary collection of writings on buddha nature by the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (1284-1339). The Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje’s unique and balanced view synthesizes Yogācāra Madhyamaka and the classical teachings on buddha nature. His work focuses on the transition from ordinary deluded consciousness to enlightened wisdom, the characteristics of buddhahood, and a buddha’s enlightened activity. Included are commentaries by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé that supplement the view of the Third Karmapa on two fundamental treatises on buddha nature, emphasizing the luminous empty mind of buddha nature as presented by the great Indian masters Maitreya and Asaṅga. For those practicing the sutrayāna and the vajrayāna in the Kagyü tradition, what these texts describe can be transformed into living experience.  
  • eBook available!

    A Commentary by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen and Karl Brunnhölzl

    This is a newly updated sourcebook, a set of two volumes, produced from a series of talks given by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen at Nītārtha Institute, Gampo Abbey, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, in August and September 1998, and by a series of talks given by Karl Brunnhölzl at Nītārtha Institute, Nalanda West, Seattle, Washington, United States, September, October, and November 2018.

    Available as eBook:

  • Commentary by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche Oral translation by Mitra Tyler Dewar Root text translation by Gregory Forgues From the English translation by the Buddhavacana Translation Group, under the patronage and supervision of 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha

    A transcript of the oral commentary by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche on the sūtra Unraveling the Intent [of the Buddha], a crucial sūtra for the Yogācāra tradition. In this text, Rinpoche presents with great clarity and detail the prologue and first five sūtra's chapters, which deal with the five defining characteristics of ultimate reality as well as the presentation of the all-base consciousness.
    Also available as an eBook for Android  and Apple.
  • This is the updated Mind and Its World 4 Sourcebook for semester course and Summer Institute (not for Self-Paced Online Course). E-book may be available in 2024.


    The Mind and Its World 4 sourcebook presents the path and result of foundational Buddhism as found in the Vaibhāṣika and Sautrāntika philosophical traditions, based on The Gateway that Reveals the Philosophical Traditions to Fresh Minds root text. Talks by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Acharya Kelsang Wangdi, Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen, and Professor Phil Stanley bring clarity to the subjects discussed in the root text. Key topics include the meaning of the path, the four applications of mindfulness, personal identitylessness, dependent origination, the four realities of the noble ones, the thirty-seven branches of enlightenment, and the results of the path. Numerous charts and diagrams are included as aids to understanding the material.

  • This is the updated Mind and Its World 3 Sourcebook for semester course and Summer Institute (not for Self-Paced Online Course). E-book may be available in 2024.

    Mind and Its World III first concludes the investigation into causes and results as presented in Collected Topics. It then turns to the analysis of the ways in which mind cognizes phenomena, particularly the ways in which conceptuality functions, by investigating the modes of engagement from Classifications of Mind and the methods that lead to cognition from Collected Topics. Selected readings, analytical meditations, study questions, and review summaries are included in the sourcebook.
  • Updated Edition. Ebook available: for Apple and Android

    Author: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, and Acharya Kelsang Wangdi Translator: Karl Brunnhölzl

    A root text written by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen, and Acharya Kelsang Wangdi. It presents the divisions and definitions of the Vaibhashika and Sautrantika philosophical systems.


    Madhyamaka is a potent and universally accessible means of calming our suffering and awakening to our innate wisdom. The Center of the Sunlit Sky artfully rescues this brilliant teaching from its unwarranted reputation for intellectual opacity and reinstates it as a supremely practical tool kit for everyday living. The aim of this book is to take Madhyamaka out of the purely intellectual corner into which it unjustly gets boxed. It is an attempt to show how Madhayamaka actually addresses and works with all of our experiences in life. The book follows the original Indian sources as well as the standard commentaries on Madhyamaka in the Kagyu School of Tibetan Buddhism. At the same time, these materials are adapted for a contemporary audience, combining the familiar sharpness of Madhyamaka reasonings (launching a massive assault on our cherished belief systems) with exploring the practical relevance of the Madhyamaka way of mind training. Also available as an eBook for Kindle devices. Note that the hardcopy book is shipped from the US. International customers may wish to explore local booksellers or Amazon.com to save on shipping cost.
  • Translator: Ari Goldfield

    A root text by Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. It presents the divisions and definitions logic, and what constitutes valid and invalid reasoning as presented in the tradition of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti.
    • The hardcopy book is shipped from the US. International customers may wish to explore local booksellers, Shambala Publications, or Amazon to save on shipping cost.

    Author: Dr. Mitra Karl Brunnhölzl

    Mining for Wisdom within Delusion: Maitreya's "Distinction between Phenomena and the Nature of Phenomena" and Its Indian and Tibetan Commentaries

    Maitreya’s Distinction between Phenomena and the Nature of Phenomena distinguishes the illusory phenomenal world of saṃsāra produced by the confused dualistic mind from the ultimate reality that is mind’s true nature. The transition from the one to the other is the process of “mining for wisdom within delusion.” Maitreya’s text calls this “the fundamental change,” which refers to the vanishing of delusive appearances through practicing the path, thus revealing the underlying changeless nature of these appearances. In this context, the main part of the text consists of the most detailed explanation of nonconceptual wisdom—the primary driving force of the path as well as its ultimate result—in Buddhist literature. The introduction of the book discusses these two topics (fundamental change and nonconceptual wisdom) at length and shows how they are treated in a number of other Buddhist scriptures. The three translated commentaries, by Vasubandhu, the Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje, and Gö Lotsāwa, as well as excerpts from all other available commentaries on Maitreya’s text, put it in the larger context of the Indian Yogācāra School and further clarify its main themes. They also show how this text is not a mere scholarly document, but an essential foundation for practicing both the sūtrayāna and the vajrayāna and thus making what it describes a living experience. The book also discusses the remaining four of the five works of Maitreya, their transmission from India to Tibet, and various views about them in the Tibetan tradition.
  • Commentary by Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen. Root Text Translation by Ari Goldfield. Oral Translation by Elizabeth M. Callahan. This transcript was produced from a series of talks given by Acharya Sherab Gyaltsen at Nitartha Institute, Gampo Abbey, Nova Scotia, Canada, in June and July 1997.
    • Also available as an eBook for Apple or Android devices.
    • The hardcopy book is shipped from the US. International customers may wish to explore local booksellers or Amazon.com to save on shipping cost.

    Buddha Nature: The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra with Commentary by Maitreya, Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Tayé and Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche

    Author: Arya Maitreya Commentary: Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Tayé and Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche Translator: Rosemary Fuchs

    All sentient beings, without exception, have buddha nature—the inherent purity and perfection of the mind, untouched by changing mental states. Thus there is neither any reason for conceit nor self-contempt. This is obscured by veils that are removable and do not touch the inherent purity and perfection of the nature of the mind. The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra, one of the “Five Treatises” said to have been dictated to Asanga by the Bodhisattva Maitreya, presents the Buddha’s definitive teachings on how we should understand this ground of enlightenment and clarifies the nature and qualities of buddhahood. This seminal text details with great clarity the view that forms the basis for Vajrayana, and especially Mahamudra, practice.  
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